Dr. sc. Jadranka Neralić održala je izlaganje pod nazivom “The Curia on Religious Encounters and Economic Cooperation with the Ottomans in Posttridentine Dalmatia”, na XXIII. Internaionalnom kongresu povijesnih znanosti u Poznanu, koji je trajao od 21.08 do 27.08.2022.
U sekciji: The Slavic World and the Islamic World: Encounters – Conflicts – Cooperation
U organizaciji: Commission Internationale des Études Historiques Slaves.
Stranica konferencije: HTTPS://ichs2020poznan.pl/en/.
Program sekcije: https://ichs2020poznan.pl/en/session/commission-internationale-des-etudes-historiques-slaves-1/ i The Curia on Religious Encounters and Economic Cooperation with the Ottomans in Posttridentine Dalmatia – The 23rd Congress (ichs2020poznan.pl)