Branding Cultural Heritage through Diplomacy. Glagolithic Script and Bishops:
Past Considerations
and Contemporary Reflections
Croatian Institute of History
Opatička 10, Zagreb
Tuesday, 22 February 2022
On the occasion of the Day of Croatian Glagolitic Script within our project in the Golden Hall of the Croatian Institute of History in Zagreb was held an international colloquium “Branding Cultural Heritage through Diplomacy. Glagolithic Script and Bishops: Past Considerations and Contemporary Reflections”. Here you can find a link to YouTube video, the pdf-program of the colloquium and pdf-files of the presentations.
After the colloquim, the project associates held a working meeting and discussed the organization of work for the upcoming project year.
Colloquium Program: Branding cultural heritage_Program
You-tube vide of the colloquium on:
Pdf-files for download:
Jadranka NERALIĆ: Cultural Heritage Brands along the Adriatic (NERALIC)
Maria Giulia AURIGEMMA: L’UNESCO e la diplomazia culturale. Qualche esempio (AURIGEMMA)
Tatjana KOPRIVICA: Diplomacy and Cultural Heritage Researches in Montenegro at the End of the XIX. and the Beginning of the XX. Century
Radoslav BUŽANČIĆ: Ivan Petar Marchi: polihistor, diplomat, graditelj i vizionar Ilirskoga pokreta u Splitu (BUZANCIC)
Zdenko DUNDOVIĆ: Zadarski nadbiskup Vicko Zmajević i glagoljaško svećenstvo (DUNDOVIC)
Brigitta MADER: L’Arciduca austriaco Lodovico Salvatore ed il patromonio culturale immateriale nel Mediteraneo con particolar focus alla costa adriatica orientale (MADER)
Mirza HEBIB: Legal Education and Dubrovnik Legal Culture (HEBIB)
Neven PELICARIĆ: Empowering Cultural Identity through Diplomacy – Croatian Glagolithic in the Vatican (PELICARIC)